

BY DMK Skincare

Betagen is a cream designed to soothe reactive, irritated, or inflamed skin. Intended for prematurely aged, sun-damaged skin, eczema, psoriasis, and sluggish skin. It contains antioxidants that can assist the healing process in the skin while revising the visible signs and effects of aging.

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BY DMK Skincare

Betagen is a cream designed to soothe reactive, irritated, or inflamed skin. Intended for prematurely aged, sun-damaged skin, eczema, psoriasis, and sluggish skin. It contains antioxidants that can assist the healing process in the skin while revising the visible signs and effects of aging.

BY DMK Skincare

Betagen is a cream designed to soothe reactive, irritated, or inflamed skin. Intended for prematurely aged, sun-damaged skin, eczema, psoriasis, and sluggish skin. It contains antioxidants that can assist the healing process in the skin while revising the visible signs and effects of aging.

Skin Concern

Betagen is specifically formulated for reactive, irritated or prematurely aged skin. It alleviates redness and inflammation, while strengthening and regenerating the skin.

Features & Benefits

DMK Skincare™ “EMERGENCY CRÈME” contains a synergistic group of ingredients that nourish and trigger the regeneration of damaged cells, promote growth factors, collagen and elastin and enhance the immune responses and fight free radicals.


As we age, the damage becomes even worse, and as a result wrinkly and grainy looking skin starts to appear. When the beta-glucan gets exposed to the dendrites of these Langerhans cells, and stimulates or activates them, then the Langerhans become strong again and the skins immune function returns to a normal healthy state. Dead and damaged skin tissue is removed, and there is a rapid healing process.

How to Use

  • Cleanse skin and apply DMK Skincare™ serums, oils and spray.

  • Apply a pea sized amount of Betagen, spray with Herb & Mineral Mist and work into the skin.

  • DMK Sunscreen should be applied over crème.

Key Ingredients

Beta-glucan – Beta-glucan rejuvenates the skin’s cells by invigorating the macrophages and re-charging the cellular immune system. Specialized versions of macrophages are found in almost every area of the body, and the skin is no exception. Here they are known as Langerhans cells. The problem in our modern world is that so many things tend to destroy damage or weaken these Langerhans cells. Langerhans cells fight foreign intruders and release substances, such as epidermal growth factors which encourage skin renewal and healing. Ultraviolet light from excessive exposure to sunlight, chemicals and chlorine in the water in which we bathe – these all damage the Langerhans cells.

Pumpkin Oil – A rich nourishing oil that helps prevent excess moisture loss and also combats fine lines. The typical analysis of the Fatty Acids contained in Pumpkin Seed Oil is as follows – Palmitic, Stearic, Oleic, Linoleic, Linolenic and Alpha Linolenic. Rich in vitamin A, E, C, K, B, D and Zinc. It is high in protein and antioxidants. Loaded with Oligomeric Proanthacyanides (OPCs), Pumpkin Oil is 50 times more potent than Vitamin E and repairs connective tissue whilst moderating antiinflammatory responses. Skin conditioning.

Safflower Oil – Antioxidant, vitamin A, rich in Essential Fatty Acids, hydrating and nourishing.

Shea Butter – Anti-inflammatory, promotes new cell growth and helps occlude moisture. Increases circulation. The moisturizers in Shea Butter are the same as those produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin. In fact, because its structure and function resembles that of the lipid content of skin, Shea Butter is considered to be a Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF). As an NMF, it helps keep the intercellular structure of the epidermis intact, and effectively keeps bacteria out, facilitates the skin’s healing process, prevents dermal irritation and regenerates the skin.

Palmitoyl Oligopeptide – Stimulates the feedback loop triggering the synthesis of new collagen as well as other components of the skin matrix. When the key skin matrix-producing cells (fibroblasts) detect increased levels of this peptide, they “assume” that the skin matrix is being lost at a higher rate and begin synthesizing it more vigorously. Stimulates skin matrix replenishment via topical application leading to wrinkle reduction, skin firming and other benefits. Improves wound healing, activates skin remodeling, improves the structure of skin matrix, reduces scarring and exerts other beneficial effects on the skin.

Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 (Pal-GQPR) – Works by reducing the production of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) by the key skin cells, Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts. IL-6 is a molecule that promotes inflammation, which, in turn, leads to faster degradation of the skin matrix and thus contributes to the development of wrinkles and loss of skin firmness and elasticity. Combing Palmitoyl Oligopeptide and Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 not just because two active ingredients are better than one, these two peptides produce a synergy when used together, i.e. the skin benefits of such combination are greater than what one would expect if each agent’s effects were independent of each other. Here’s a fictitious example of synergy to illustrate the point: Ingredient A causes a 10% improvement and ingredient B causes a 15% percent improvement whereas A+B combo causes a 60% improvement (as opposed to the expected 25% improvement).

Chamomile Extract – A natural anti-inflammatory which offers a calming and soothing quality for irritated skin. Contains Azulene which helps reduce puffiness, promotes granulation and tissue regeneration. Chamomile Extract also reduces capillary fragility, this helps to reduce redness in the skin.

Tocopherol – Vitamin E, protects cells from free radicals, protects the skins barriers (lipids).

Retinyl Palmitate – Vitamin A. Retinyl Palmitate facilitates communication between cells, encouraging aging cells to continue their renewal process, and regenerate collagen and elastin to prevent the appearance of aging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. It is also effective at producing new, healthy skin cells to replace skin previously damaged. Communication begins and the cells’ turnover rate increases, thus speeding up the production of collagen.

Panthenol – Enhances cellular stimulation, restores barrier function and aids in vital tissue repair. Promotes normal keratinization and wound healing. Increases free water levels, hydrating the skin.
